Mahonia Aquifolium Smaragd


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Mahonia aquifolium ‘Smaragd’ comes in an extra-large 7.5L pot and is an excellent evergreen shrub with vivid, glossy greens and a dramatic yellow floral display. Smaragd, as in ’emerald,’ in many languages, best describes the gem-like green colour of the deep green leaves, thin, and sharply edged, hard to the touch. Its variety Compacta is a very compact nature, hence perfect for small gardens or as a specimen plant in bigger landscapes.
In early spring, ‘Smaragd’ has bright yellow flower spikes that open to provide delicate fragrance and draw bees as a pollinator into your garden. These are followed by dark blue-black berries during the autumn, adding further seasonal interest and providing a food source for the birds in your garden. Its multi-season appeal makes the plant a valuable addition to any garden in the context of mixed borders, woodland gardens, or as an architectural specimen.
Learn more about this plant here.
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