Container Gardening Scented Geraniums Can Flourish Inside

Something you will generally not find in container gardens is scented geraniums. So if attempting something that few others do stirs your imagination, go for it. But be careful to distinguish between the pelargonium (scented gearanium) and the hardy gearanium (not the same plant at all)

Container Gardening Scented Geraniums Can Flourish Inside. Add some spice to your container gardening with scented geraniums. Whether you’re a pro or a novice, experimenting never hurt.

More Than Just a Flower. A number of characteristics make the scented geranium unique unto itself. Scented geraniums are more than simply flowers; they’re actually herbs – pelargonium – for which many uses exist. Whether it’s color or smell that delights you the most, you’ll experience it with scented geraniums. Soil and moisture are not a big challenge in this instance, and that makes them popular among many gardeners.

Winter is an ideal time to grow them in container gardens because they adapt well to the change from the outdoors to inside your home. A Centuries-Old Plant, Geraniums happen to be African plants, first discovered by Europeans in the 1600s. King Charles I became the best known to popularize them in England. His gardens displayed them well, and citizens came just to gaze at the arrangements, appreciating their stunning beauty.

Victorian Englishmen looked at the scented geranium and mistook it for a more common geranium species. It requires a close look at the leaves to see the difference sometimes, but it’s there in the asymmetry of their design. An All-Around Great Plant, Smells good, looks good, and doesn’t complain when the weather gets bad – if you bring it in, that is, and provide it shelter.

You can hardly ask for more in a plant. Scented geraniums spruce up your environment during any season in the year. In more recent times, rose-scented geraniums have gained in popularity. However, you can choose any type you wish, including the option for multiple varieties.

Some Care Instructions. There are a few steps you need to take to develop longevity in your scented geranium, and a few others for it to thrive. Clearly, be careful about feeding your plant. It needs nourishment as much as you. Pinch out the tip if you want it to be bushy; this also causes it give off a stronger aroma. Water the soil with care – you don’t want to drown your plant. If you’re a container gardening fanatic, just starting out and want something delightful to plant, or simply looking for a good way to have live house plants during the cold seasons of the year, scented geraniums would be a terrific option. Go for the herbal scented geranium. Try it once and you’ll be hooked.