Magnolia Soulangeana Purpurea 150-170cm


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This rounded deciduous shrub is one of the most reliable and popular Magnolias available with a high level of hardiness and an ability to grow in almost any soil. ‘Purpurea’ is aptly named for its stunning flowers which range from beautiful shades of deep-purple and pink to white. As a large specimen plant, it can grow up to 4 metres and displays lush dark green leaves. Flowering from April to May, this Magnolia is great at adding spring colour to your garden! We recommend planting in a container or bed on its own as an eye-catching specimen plant, but it works just as well in borders.
Plant this in a sunny area as it will grow best in full-sun or partial-shade and make sure it is in moist but well-drained soil. It is best placed in a sheltered area, but it does cope well with wind exposure too if you’re in a more open area.
Supplied in approx. 7-10 litre containers. 
Learn more about this plant here.
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