Lettuce Seeds – Amaze


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A red-leaved Little Gem with leaves that have a soft, buttery texture. Excellent uniformity and disease resistance and impressive colour. Ideal for raised beds or garden. Tom says: Quick and easy lettuces are many peoples first veggie crop. Try mixing red and green lettuce leaves to add a note of bitterness to salads, or try slicing up little gem lettuces and sauteing with peas and garlic for an alternative homegrown lunch. SMALL SPACES made easy! Are you feeling left behind by the grow-your-own revolution because you live in a gardenless apartment or have a postage-stamp-sized patio? Don’t worry: Anyone with a sunny windowsill, patio, or balcony can cultivate home-grown vegetables. In fact, choosing plants that are nutritious, delicious, and attractive is the ultimate way to maximise limited space. We’ve tried and tested these varieties suitable for small spaces and know they’ll succeed, but that’s not to say there aren’t other vegetable seeds that you could try!
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