Hydrangea paniculata ‘Silver Dollar’


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Fully deserving of its RHS Award of Garden Merit, Hydrangea paniculata ‘Silver Dollar’ produces dense, creamy-white, cone-shaped flowers that will flush with pink as they age, with a delicate fragrance. All whilst creating a dramatic statement in your garden!
These distinctive hydrangeas will fill your summer beds, borders, or patio pots with wonderful colour. They’re particularly striking when paired with other hydrangeas yet look stunning enough on their own.
Each year, strong, upright stems are produced with lush mid-green foliage, which are topped with huge, conical-shaped panicles of flowers that will quite simply take your breath away.
If you can bear to cut them, the fresh blooms make an imposing display in a vase and the dried flowerheads can be used as a permanent decoration.
Supplied as an established plants in a 7/9cm pot, ready to be planted out

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