Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Lady Mata Hari Pink’ (Royalty Collection)


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Hydrangea Lady Hari Mata Pink From the latest breeding in Hydrangeas, this new and innovative variety is part of the Royalty Collection. ‘Lady Mata Hari Pink’ boasts large mophead blooms throughout the summer months. Every flower develops a blend of mauve-pink, creamy-white and apple-green blooms that create a magnificent hand-painted effect, making this variety stand out from the crowd.  This compact, deciduous shrub has a branching habit that makes it an attractive container plant for the patio but also performs outstandingly well in a lightly shaded border. The autumn foliage and skeletal faded blooms provide great interest for the rest of the year. As with many varieties, these cultivars of Hydrangea macrophylla grow slightly different colour tones depending on the soil pH, so yours could be unique compared to the next one! Height and spread: 120cm (48).
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